woensdag 25 september 2013

Two days after Taff his second chemo therapy

Picture taken 18/09/2013
Taff is doing ok.
He is eating as usual, but is somewhat less active.
His body temperature is normal and he doesn`t show any signs of sickness.
We wanted Taff to take it easy and that is exactly what he is doing.

dinsdag 24 september 2013

Taff and his second chemo therapy

On monday 23/09/2013 Taff went to visit the vet for his second chemo therapy.
He was a little more nervous than the first time but it all went well and he did not get sick.
Let`s hope he doesn`t have one bad day this time, but for now he is fine.
I try to keep him as calm as possible..

Sheltie Tibo`s first birthday

On September 6th our little Shetland Sheepdog Tibo celabrated his first birthday and of course there are pictures!

dinsdag 10 september 2013

One week after Taff his first chemo therapy

Taff only had one bad day the last week, one very bad day but all the other days he was fine.
He is happy and lively, if we did not know better we would think he is a very healthy dog!

donderdag 5 september 2013

Day 4

Yesterday Taff had a real bad day, he was not feeling well at all.
This mornig he did wag his tail when he saw me and he walks around much happier today!
Let`s hope this will continue untill he is completely back!
Later today we will have the results from his blood by the vet.

Day 3 after Taff his chemo therapy

Yesterday Taff was still very happy and lively, but in the evening he did not want to eat..
He ate someting but in the morning I found out he had soiled his crate..
Taff is obviously not feeling well :-(
Of course I have contacted the vet and he will examine Taff in a couple of hours.
My poor boy..

dinsdag 3 september 2013

Day 1 after Taff`s first chemo therapy

Taff is doing great, his temperature is fine, he is not feeling sick, he is eating like normal, he is just being happy! I am so proud of my sweet boy, lets hope he stays this way!

maandag 2 september 2013

A glimmer of hope

We know that Taff his cancer can not be cured.
We`ve heard about chemo therapy for animals before but nobody was very positive about it.
Untill the day we had the plumber at our house who told us about his dog who did very well with the chemo therapy and lived a happy 4 years extra!
Of course we have to be realistic, not every dog gets trough all of this in a good way and there are no guarantees given, but Taff is not ready to give up his life so I wanted to give it a try.

This morning I took my Taffie to our appointment with a vet who knows all about chemo therapy and Taff had his first..

This chemo therapy is a last glimmer of hope on a bit more time together.
We can only hope!

Very bad news

Taff his bloodtest came back but no strange things were found.
We carefully started to get hope again, maybe it was not so bad after all..
But we still had to wait for the results from the biopsy...

On the day we had to let Indy go, the vet told us that Taff was suspected of lymph node cancer.
Indescribable grief took over.

The discovery...

At the end of June (only a few days before we left on holiday to Austria) I felt a big lump in Taff his neck.
Of course I was shocked and asked the vet what this could be.
She could not give an answer right away, but we should come back in two weeks (when our vacation was over).
During our holiday we were worried about our Taffie because he continued to keep diarrhea.
He was clearly not in his best condition although he kept having fun!

So when we came home, we returned the vet and she took blood and a biopsy from one of the lumps, the other lymph node in his neck was now also swollen. His tonsils were also enlarged.
The biopsy would be examined and we had to wait for the results...