vrijdag 16 mei 2014

6 tough months

It has been 6 months since our dear friend Taff passed away.
6 tough months I can tell you.
The 6 years we have had together were very special.
It started at the moment I held a warm and wet puppy in my hands and our bond grew trough the years. I loved him so much and I still do..
Those  years were way to short, we were only halfway...
There where so many things I would love to do again with my Taffie, walk together, kickbiking, sheepherding, hiking in Austria...but most of all I would love to cuddle him one more time, look into those sweet eyes and know we belong together..

I know Taff brought Bonnie into my life and I see so much of him in her.
Bonnie saved me when I was afraid I would drown in my sorrow............